5 Ways to Use Essential Oils During Cold and Flu Season

5 Ways to Use Essential Oils  During Cold and Flu Season      O ur family's first fall head cold passed through our house this weekend and there has been no shortage of empty tissue boxes. Each time we find ourselves dealing with runny noses, plugged noses, sinus headaches, and overall fatigue, I'm reminded why I love Essential Oils so much. Not having to go through bottles of over the counter medicine filled with awful ingredients makes my heart very full.  Learning to manage head colds and sinus infections with Essential Oils is easier than you might imagine and very cost effective. The oils mentioned below are some of the most common and best priced oils out there. Most people, even those just starting out with Essential Oils , will have everything they need to manage cold and flu season.  Use the 5 simple strategies below to manage all of your family's cold and flu season needs! 1. Stop the Run with Lemon Oil One of the most frustrating parts about ha...

Liquid Xanax, the Natural Calm

March 22, 2020

Have you been feeling stressed and overwhelmed or even unable to sleep well? If so, you are part of the millions of people that feel this way every day. Many choose pharmaceuticals as the solution to their problem but the side effects are too many to list. For me, I prefer to find natural options to relieve the daily pressures that life brings.
Liquid Xanax Roller Blend

Hello Apothecary's Liquid Xanax essential oil roller blend has been  a fantastic natural solution that I've come to rely on. Made with clinical grade essential oils of pure tranquility, vetiver, determination, lavender, and patchouli, it is perfectly formulated to help relieve symptoms of anxiety disorders, panic disorders, and anxiety caused by depression. Liquid Xanax is a healthy way to support your mind, body, and soul. 

Essential oils work best when used on specific places of your body. Hello Apothecary's Liquid Xanax essential oil roller blend should be placed on your forehead, temples, over your heart, and behind your ears 3-4 times per day for best results. Placing Liquid Xanax on your temples will promote relaxation, rolling it over your heart will promote tranquility, and rolling it on your forehead and behind your ears will help relieve any tension you are feeling. Hello Apothecary's Liquid Xanax essential oil roller blend is sure to naturally heal what ails you! 
