May 9, 2020
Essential oils and kids go together like peanut butter and jelly and there are so many ways to use them!
When I first began my essential oil journey, it was all about me, but fortunately, it didn't take long to realize that essential oils are quite the blessing for littles too. When trying to live a more natural life, you quickly recognize the items that don't fit the mold. Yes, I'm talking about baby Motrin, Tylenol, ibuprofen, teething meds, ointments and bug sprays filled with chemicals, etc... I'm not saying I've never used these products but I make every effort to replace them with natural solutions whenever I can.
Using essential oil on kids does come with some dos and don'ts so make sure you follow them properly.
Do research best practices. Never use something just because you read it in a blog somewhere. I know this seems contradictory as I am writing a blog about using these oils on your children but trust me, doing your research is incredibly important. The tips and suggestions below were used on my own child and well researched beforehand. Research gives you knowledge and peace of mind.
Do use carrier oils to properly dilute oils before applying them to your children. Though some oils are recommended to be used neat (undiluted) on adults, that often is not the case for children.
Do use high-quality oils. Never settle for subpar oils that may be impure, especially when using them on children.
Don't use oils on children under the age of 6 months. Period.
Don't use oils neat. I know, I already said this one but that's how important it is. Diluting oils does not make them less effective, it makes them safe!
Here are the top 7 ways I have used essential oils on my own child:
1. Clove Oil for Teething
For many children, teething is a nightmare! My daughter always seemed to sprout new teeth in multiples and this made the experience especially challenging for all of us. Thankfully, I learned an old trick of the trade. For centuries, clove oil has been used for teeth pain and trust me, it works! I've even used it on my own teeth from time to time as toothaches have occurred.
To use, simply place one drop on your clean finger, add a drop of carrier oil, we use fractionated coconut oil, and gently rub it on the gums where your child is having discomfort. They will feel some instant relief.
2. ADHD Roller Blend
Ok, this is a huge one for our family. I've written about this before and plan to do a full blog dedicated to just this topic because it's been that much of a game changer. Our daughter is 3 years old and there is no doubt in my mind that she has ADHD tendencies. My full-time job is in education and I know the signs and the symptoms well. We have zero intention of seeking a diagnosis or moving forward with any type of medication, not that anyone would medicate a child this young but, we know it's there. We see her struggle to stay focused and on task. We watch her trying to sort out everything going on in her little mind and losing her patience with it. We know it doesn't have to be that way. After lots of research and experimenting with different blends, we finally found the right mix.
Hello Apothecary's ADHD Roller Blend made with lavender, cedarwood, vetiver, frankincense, ylang-ylang, and bergamot have been the best solution for us. It helps our little stay focused and not lose her bright spirit.
We roll it on her 2-3 times daily on the back of her neck, down her spine, and on the bottom of her feet. I highly recommend it!
3. Frankincense Oil for Stuffy Noses
Noone loves a stuffy nose and thankfully there are many natural options for this. Though I'm quick to grab eucalyptus or a protecting blend, frankincense is actually even more effective to clear out that stuffy feeling.
To use, gently rub one drop of frankincense and one drop of a carrier oil all over the nose. Have your little breath in deeply to feel its effects.
4. Kids Wellness Blend
Another Hello Apothecary favorite! The Kids Wellness Blend is made with essential oils of lemon, proshield, and tea tree. This blend helps prevent and reduce cold and flu symptoms in children.
To use, roll on the the nape of the neck, behind the ears, and bottom of the feet daily before bed during cold and flu season and up to 3-4 times daily when ill.
5. Tea Tree Oil for Cuts and Scrape
You simply can't beat Tea Tree oil for its natural antiseptic properties. We use it on every cut, scrape, scratch, hangnail, etc... My daughter asks for it by name and we never have to worry about that burning sensation from some of the over the counter creams and ointments. Tea Tree feels great on an owie and keeps the wound clean.
Grab a q-tip or cotton ball and add one drop of tea tree and one drop of a carrier oil to it. Gently dab it on the cut. If needed, follow up with a bandaid.
You can learn more about essential oils with antiseptic and antibacterial properties by reading the blog
Top 10 Antibacterial Essential Oils!
6. Peppermint Oil for Fevers
As you probably already know, peppermint is one of those oils that has so many incredible uses. We use it for owies to take away the pain and for inhaling when those pesky hiccups just won't quit but most of all, we use it for fevers. Peppermint oil is a natural fever reducer and it has always worked well for us. Fevers are your body's way of trying to fight something off so I am never quick to reach for an over the counter med. Peppermint oil is always my go-to.
To use, melt some coconut oil in a small glass jar. I love using the mini mason jars because they are a perfect size. Add about 20 drops of peppermint oil and mix. Once cooled, you'll have a nice and soothing fever rub. Use generously on the forehead, back, and bottom of the feet.
7. Bug Off Spray for Headlice Prevention
Working in education has me paranoid about lice in my home. I see many students struggle with this and I've learned that some are naturally more prone than others to attracting those little bugs. One way that my daughter and I both stay protected is by using an essential oil Bug Off spray to keep those pesky critters away.
Directions: In a 16-ounce spray bottle, add 6 drops each of lavender, tea tree, rosemary, and peppermint oil. Add in a tablespoon of coconut oil, a pinch of salt and fill the rest with equal parts witch hazel and water. Spray this solution in your hair daily to prevent lice.
There are so many ways to use essential oils with your children but these are some of my favorites. Remember to follow the dos and don'ts and always dilute!
For more essential oil roller blends head over to
Hello Apothecary on Etsy!
Disclaimer: Always use high quality essential oils when using with children and please take the appropriate precautions to properly dilute them with a carrier oil.
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